Wednesday, November 20, 2013
A Poem by Donal Mahoney
Study in Fidelity
Breaking news:
Woman in a Cadillac
tries to run over
the husband
she claims is
a serial philanderer
and misses by inches.
She puts the car
in reverse
and roars over
another man
out for a walk
with his mistress.
the man dies
at the scene.
No word on whether
charges will be filed
or whether the widow
will testify on behalf
of the driver.
The women say
they're involved
in a long-term
both husbands
were aware of.
Details at ten.
Donal Mahoney lives in St. Louis, Missouri. His poetry and fiction have appeared in a number of print and online publications.
Friday, November 8, 2013
A Poem by Shaquana Adams
You were Chris McCandless,
but I didn't like the wild.
It's far too unpredictable and consequently,
I've been stranded in rain's unforgiving storm.
But I wanted you, so I went anyway.
You were Jack Sparrow,
Fuck the Black Pearl,
who knows what you were after...
I took my point hat,
stood by your side,
and drank to the pirates life.
You were Jack from Titanic
A few meetings and you were mine.
But we were from two different worlds...
“Where to miss?”
“To the stars.”
And we sank.
Shaquana Adams is a graduate of Francis Marion University. She has been published in several literary magazines and journals such as The Snow Island Review, The Bicycle Review, Dead Snakes, Twenty Something Press, and The World of Myth. Outside of poetry, she enjoys yoga, crocheting, and reading novels in her spare time
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
A Poem by Dawnell Harrison
Frosty Fingers
Your frosty fingers
on my warm face
reflected fragmented
shadows on my heart's bone.
My cold voice echoed
on heaven's hill as
transparent blue-white
icicles formed on my
back doorstep eaves.
Dawnell Harrison has been published in over 100 magazines and journals including The Endicott Review, The Journal, Fowl Feathered Review, Jellyfish Whispers, The Bitchin' Kitsch, Vox Poetica, The Tower Journal, Queen's Quarterly, and many others. Also, she has had 4 books of poetry published through reputable publishers titled Voyager, The maverick posse, The love death, and The fire behind my eyes. Furthermore, she possess a BA from The University of Washington.
Monday, November 4, 2013
A Poem by Theresa A. Cancro
Seething Blue
The turquoise of the Mediterranean
never clings to me.
It smiles, disappears
as I plunge hands in
like I plumbed your depths
but saw no reflection there.
Malocchio* watches now,
unblinking on the side,
as I grip weathered oars.
Uneasy calm, a brusk wave
tosses my open heart,
buffets fishing boats --
black lies stare.
black lies stare.
Theresa A. Cancro (Wilmington, Delaware, USA) writes poetry and fiction. Some of her poetry has been published on online sites, including Three Line Poetry, Dead Snakes and A Handful of Stones. Her haiku has been accepted for publication in the December 2013 issue of A Hundred Gourds.