
Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Poem by Bradford Middleton

Memories of You*

All I see when I look around is you
You're everywhere and nowhere all at once
But as I sit here alone all I can see is memories
You and our brief little time together
That I wish I remember better
But whatever happened with you it was one hell of a ride

A ride that took us through infatuation
Desire, lust and the inevitable
The break-up came at a real bad time
I was up to my head in trouble

That was years ago now but still
You are here and I wish you'd never gone
But all you are now is a memory
A moment in time that is a bit hazy
Due to all the drink and drugs we took
But to move on I got to get you out of my head

I moved from the city to escape the places
I changed my life to be a better boy
No more Billy or Charlie for me I said
Just the plain old drink and pot of yore

Bradford Middleton lives on England's south-coast in Brighton.  He was born in London in 1971 but didn't start writing poetry until he was in his mid-30s and slowly, over time, began to uncover a flourishing underground scene.  Three months before his fortieth birthday he had his first poem accepted at The Mad Swirl.  Since then he has become a Contributing Poet there and also had notable work published at Empty Mirror, Zygote in My Coffee, PPIGPENN, Rolling Thunder Quarterly, Fuck Art Lets Dance, Word Riot, Electric Windmill, Dead Snakes, The Camel Saloon and The Weekenders.

*This poem was previously published on Dead Snakes.

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