Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Poem by Quin Nootebos

I will wash myself of you,
your inequity stains me.
My balance is precarious--
you should have known better,
when push came to shove,
that I'd fall for you,
rather than take you down with me.

I'll never forget the fights,
the words in anger,
and the silent screaming.
I will never forget,
the look in your eyes,
or the tears streaming down your face.
I will also never forget
your laugh,
your smile,
the way you made me feel--
I never wanted to leave your side.
You were my hearts guide,
you took me to places,
to places I'd been
and places I'd always wanted to go.
I will always remember
the love in my heart,
the love in my eyes,
the look of surprise when I realized
that you loved me too.

Quin Nootebos, 22 years of age, has been writing poetry since 15.  Has traveled throughout Australia, Canada, the United States and Hong Kong.  Realizing that his life is a brief collection of the hopes, heart-aches, trials and tribulations, he plans on publishing his works and setting his life out for others to help others go through similar experiences or to enlighten others to expand the way they experience their own lives.

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